thisblogwillbeyourdownfall: Out 2 Space - Chiddy Bang (feat....
thisblogwillbeyourdownfall:Out 2 Space - Chiddy Bang (feat. Gordon Voidwell and Ellie Goulding)
View Articlefuckyeahdrakeandjosh: weasleywannabes: broleckie: #she falls...
fuckyeahdrakeandjosh:weasleywannabes:broleckie: #she falls so gracefully like if that had been me i would’ve fallen off the cliff#and look at him he doesn’t even react or flinch at all when she throws...
View Article"She seems so cool, so focused, so quiet, yet her eyes remain fixed upon the...
“She seems so cool, so focused, so quiet, yet her eyes remain fixed upon the horizon. You think you know all there is to know about her immediately upon meeting her, but everything you think you know...
View Articlepolyur: “You’re the same age you’ll have plenty in common”
polyur:“You’re the same age you’ll have plenty in common”
View ArticleJust Remember...
prettyeyed-piratesmile:Don’t let temporary road blocks in your life become permanent walls between who you are and who you want to be. Don’t let them hold you back from discovering all your potential...
View Articlepartybarackisinthehousetonight: some people think life is like a roller...
partybarackisinthehousetonight:some people think life is like a roller coaster but my life is more like one of those rides that spin really fast so you’re pinned to the wall and can’t do anything about it
View Articlecamisdao: have you ever fallen in love with a song and put it on repeat for 8...
camisdao:have you ever fallen in love with a song and put it on repeat for 8 days straight and literally bathed in it and memorized every word and breath and drum beat and guitar string and just...
View ArticleI wait all year for April 25th, just to be able to say this.
I wait all year for April 25th, just to be able to say this.
View Articlepeanutbutta: It either takes me 5 months to read a book or I read five of...
peanutbutta:It either takes me 5 months to read a book or I read five of them in 2 days. There is no inbetween.
View Article"I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give...
“I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.” - Audrey Hepburn (via emmacianci)
View ArticleI constantly go between being extremely anxious about all the things I have...
I constantly go between being extremely anxious about all the things I have to do and literally not giving a shit. There is no in between, and it’s so exhausting and frustrating.
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